Passive Tomfoolery: BioVlog 79 of 384
We interact as an engaged couple, and eventually, inexorably and impulsively, we canter to our wedding ceremony in May of 1974.
She joins the Lamb’s Players. As performers in a nonprofit theater company, we are what people call starving artists, and we are dirt poor. Our apartment has a few chairs, an old beat-up coffee table and a TV with no working picture-tube, so all you get is sound. A blank TV makes no difference to me but; it does to Mary.
From day one, I sit on the floor in front of the scratched up coffee table we bought at a garage sale, listening to some old TV movie, while over and over dealing out poker hand after poker hand. My actions never register with Mary; my cards are invisible to her because she thinks my card play is nothing more than passive tomfoolery.