“Seated around my table are Gaming Regulator Bruce Samboy, and with us again are Steve Forte, Russell Cedarburg, and Jim Blowers. Gents, Richard’s antics for the dangerous and gross stretch the imagination, what do you think Richard fears, if anything?”
“Jon, considering his life as a daredevil,” Samboy says, “It seems that Rick fears nothing in life!”
“I believe,” Forte agrees, “that Richard’s fearless persona is truly an accurate portrayal, and that he fears little or nothing.”
Cedarburg says, “We did a lot of fishing for sharks mostly…with Richard actually driving his boat – an absurd idea that we, as crazy young people, had no problem with!”
“Yeah,” Blowers adds, “He refused to be like any other blind person. He actually did stuff that he really shouldn’t aught ’a done!”