The Bio-Vlog
Read Richard's life story and watch his videos.
Slurping Soup: BioVlog 166 of 384
Ali moves back to the dinner table where his wife Veronica places a bowl of soup before him. Slydini is sitting at the head of the table saying, “Mr. Ali, Mr. Ali, please watch, I have six coins.” Ali, however, is focused on slurping his soup. Regardless…
Read MoreRepeat That Demonstration: BioVlog 165 of 384
The next night Ali says graciously, “Richard, I would like to invite you to join me in my Presidential Suite.” Along with Ali’s wife, Veronica, there are five other celebrated magicians, including John Cornelius and the misdirection artist, my slick friend Tony Slydini. The Champ…
Read MoreWants to Kill Me: BioVlog 164 of 384
Ali says, “Come on Richard, let’s go see a show together without the women. My treat.” Ali gets us seats down front, just to the left of the stage. During the show, Ali keeps staring at me rather than the show. The fuzzy reflection from…
Read MoreKid at Christmas: BioVlog 163 of 384
I am awestruck to be standing next to the greatest boxer of all time. And, to my shock, Ali is the fan at this moment: it turns out that The Greatest considers this little card guy from El Cajon the expert, and he wants to…
Read MoreSome V.I.P. BioVlog 162 of 384
After the awards have been presented, the celebrity reverb starts. I meet the amazing illusionist David Copperfield. Then Dennis Marks says with an undertone of excitement, “There’s another spectator who wants to meet you personally.” We enter the casino’s Presidential Suite. I walk through the…
Read MoreGolden Lion: BioVlog 161 of 384
“And the first place winner of the ‘Golden Lion’ award from Siegfried and Roy is… Richard Turner!” When I hear my name called out, my stomach drops and my heart skips a beat. I take a breath and think, “That’s me!” Janalee lines me up,…
Read MoreYou are a Fraud: BioVlog 160 of 384
It is finally time to hear the winners. In the back of the theater, I’m standing with Janalee, and I am listening to hear who will receive the bronze, silver and gold. My vision is fuzzy, but my ears are taking it all in. Then,…
Read MoreSmashing into each other: BioVlog 159 of 384
I sit down and approximately 1,000 people sit up. Everyone goes quiet, and I can feel everybody is riveted. Despite the huge stakes and the thick tension, my karate and acting training enables me to give the impression that I am pretty calm, cool, and…
Read MoreMayhem: BioVlog 158 of 384
I’m backstage, standing anxiously waiting to hear the announcer call my name. I’m listening carefully. Coming from the stage in a monotone voice the MC says, “Next we have Richard Turner.” “Whoa!” The butterflies in my stomach just did a triple summersault. It feels like…
Read MoreTABLE TALK 18
“Relaxing around my table is card-counter Bobby Singer, award winning magician Johnny Ace Palmer, and once again fighter John Douglas. Bobby, I understand your first meeting with Richard was worthy of a TV episode and Johnny, your comic book story….Well I’ll let you tell it.”…
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(In chronological order)