The Bio-Vlog
Read Richard's life story and watch his videos.
Magicians or Mechanics: BioVlog 157 of 384
I’ve decided to enter the highly combative Desert Magic Seminar Competition in Las Vegas, hosted by the Vegas headliners, Siegfried and Roy. It’s a downright cutthroat rivalry among the world’s most notable and talented magicians. The odds-makers are certainly not favoring a card mechanic. Vernon…
Read MoreBad News: BioVlog 156 of 384
Many of my friends are skeptical about this radical arrangement, and many think it is a really bad idea to marry this woman. Others are blunt, opining, “Janalee is flat out bad news. Get out now, while you still can!” But, when it comes to…
Read MoreSeeing and Understanding Stupidity Are Two Different Things: BioVlog 155 of 384
Out of the blue, Janalee proposes marriage to me. She says in a bold manor, “I think we should get married, and I should get rid of my apartment and permanently move in with you. She tells me, I promise to stop drinking.” As I…
Read MoreStupid Skull: BioVlog 154 of 384
The longer she talks the better she seems to feel. As I hear her life unfold, I don’t feel that I have the right to judge her. I think, “There is enough culpability and guilt to go around. Besides, I know how it feels to…
Read MoreThe Pimp: BioVlog 153 of 384
“No family member wanted to take me in. She mumbles on with an overt tone of anger, “When I was thirteen, a pimp gave me some strong drugs that knocked me out. He raped me over and over again. Each time I regained consciousness he…
Read MoreBullet in Her Head: BioVlog 152 of 384
Janalee looks over at me and blurts, not really a question, but more of a statement, “Who are you? Are you some kind of rescuing angel?” She turns away. I can tell that she has closed her eyes as she continues to mumble. She speaks…
Read MoreConfessing and Disclosing: BioVlog 151 of 384
The next day Janalee has, not surprisingly, a wicked hangover. She slowly works her way to the deck at the back of my home, and finds a comfortable place on the deck with the sun shining down where she lays down to convalesce. As she…
Read MoreTwo to Many: BioVlog 150 of 384
Janalee has a few more drinks and watches a few more tricks. Then she shocks me when she boldly says, “Richard, is your place close by?” Wondering what she’s thinking, hesitantly, I reply, “Not too far.” She says, “Ready to get out of here?” This…
Read MoreSeduction and Suckers: BioVlog 149 of 384
I finished my shows, ate a giant lobster and, I’m sitting in the dimly lit bar dealing seconds to myself, getting ready to call Jim Blowers to come pick me up. I hear a voice. “What are you doing?” a woman asks with a slight…
Read MoreTABLE TALK 17
“Seated around my table are Gaming Regulator Bruce Samboy, and with us again are Steve Forte, Russell Cedarburg, and Jim Blowers. Gents, Richard’s antics for the dangerous and gross stretch the imagination, what do you think Richard fears, if anything?” “Jon, considering his life as…
Read MoreTable of Contents
(In chronological order)